Follow your Dream – Start with thy “SELF”

You can do it

Our Motto here at Peachylean HQ is to Dream, Believe, Achieve.

If you can Dream it, you can achieve it and all you have to do is Believe.

Over the coming weeks we will be sharing some real life stories with you about how we, as a team, choose to follow our dreams. We will talk about what we do when our inner critics pipe up (that little voice in our heads that always seems to be criticizing us) and share tips on how we overcome this struggle with our own inner critics. 

Achieving anything in life is about self-belief, proving to your authentic “self” that you can do something. Our inner critic will constantly give us reasons why we can't; they will tell us a million reasons why we shouldn't do something, in order to keep us safe and comfortable and free from fear. 


3 Questions to Ask Yourself if You Want to Follow Your Dream


Feel the fear and do it anyway


So, this is ultimately where we start… Facing our fear. When we chase our dreams, we face our fear; our fear of failure, our fear of rejection, our fear of ridicule, our fear of not being good enough, smart enough, fit enough. Our fear of not being perfect. Let me tell you something NOBODY IS PERFECT! And let me tell you something else… Facing one’s fears is the only way we can live the life of our dreams. 

So, let’s get you started. Grab a pen and paper and let’s get honest with ourselves: 

  1. Have you asked yourself lately what is your dream? No time like the present! Write down your ultimate DREAM.
  1. What is holding you back from achieving this dream? Write down all the reasons why you are not where you want to be right now… My weight, my job, my fear of?
  1. Are these excuses? Write down “Yes” beside excuses or “No” beside real hindering factors. If they are excuses, how can you overcome them? Can you do something to better yourself and push past these excuses?

For example: I can't do X...because I have put on a lot of weight and I need to lose a few pounds before I can do X...

What you are really saying is: I am putting my dreams and happiness on hold and staying safe in life because I care too much about what others think of how I look. I am afraid of rejection and judgement and I don’t believe I can achieve my dreams as I am uncomfortable in my own skin. I do not love myself.

Instead you should empower yourself and say: I am putting myself first. I am worthy of my Dream and believe I can achieve it, in fact I can visually see it happening. I choose to love myself while I follow my dream; eating right, moving for my mind and my beautiful body. I will grow in confidence each day I step closer to my goals and dreams.

We are so inspired by the people in life who choose against all the odds to face fear and judgement and keep going throughout difficult circumstances. No one is perfect and everyone has to start somewhere so if you have read this today, then today is that day!

Let us know how you get on, and start today! Not Monday or next week, TODAY.

You’ve got this! We believe in you! It is time to Believe in your SELF.

Achieving anything in life is about self-belief
Shar x.


  • Ashling Kavanagh : March 21, 2023

    Please add me to the Self love mail list X

  • Annie Newman: March 21, 2023

    Loved you on Dragons Den. I have absolute faith in your success.
    Good luck. X

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